The MACE team is led by Dr Tim Stojanovic, an environmental geographer and social scientist with a special interest in coastal and marine environments. Dr Stojanovic is a Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Development and Geography at the University of St Andrews.
MACE team members:
Doctoral Candidate, ‘Co-creation of Conservation Knowledge for Coastal and Marine Reserves’
Doctoral Candidate ‘Harmonising traditional ecological knowledge with scientific knowledge for inclusive, equitable, and sustainable fisheries management’
Doctoral Candidate ”Enhancing the effectiveness and equitability of Marine Protected Areas”
Research Associate, ‘Resilient Coasts’ (Co-Opt) Project sponsored by UKRI.
Elina is investigating the social acceptance of coastal flood defence schemes that involve nature-based solutions. As an interdisciplinary early career researcher, Elina is particularly interested in combining social and natural science approaches.
Apine, E. Stojanovic, T. (2024) Is the coastal future green, grey or hybrid? Diverse perspectives on coastal flood risk management and adaptation in the UK. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures 2: e4
Affiliate Member and Lecturer in Sustainable Development, University of St Andrews.
Affiliate Member and Head of Practice for Blue Economy, Howell Marine Consulting
Greenhill, L., Stojanovic, T. A., & Tett, P. (2020) Does marine planning enable progress towards adaptive governance of marine systems? Lessons from Scotland’s regional marine planning process. Maritime Studies 19(3) 299–315.
- Dr Sašo Gorjanc
Gorjanc, S. Stojanovic, T.A. Warren, C.R. (2024) All at sea? Exploring key actors’ understandings of the role of EU policies for protecting marine nature. Conservation Science and Practice 6 (8) e13199
- Dr James Luger
- Dr Simone Riegel
Riegel, S. Kuhfuss, L. Stojanovic, T. (2023) Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation: Assessing the Scottish Public’s Preferences for Saltmarsh Carbon Storage. Ecological Economics 211, 107863
- Alexandra Hoadley
Research Associate ‘Community capabilities and Marine Protected Area Governance’ 2020
- Dr Liliana Sole Figueras
PhD (2020): ‘The Ecosystem Services of cruise ship tourism. An analysis of Ecosystem Services coproduction and access in the case of Barcelona’s cruise ship tourism’ University Autonoma Barcelona. Internship with MACE Team.
- Dr Paula Duffy
PhD (2019) ‘Understanding socio-demographic change and sustainability in Scotland’s coastal communities’
- Dr Fiona Cunningham
- Mark Jackson
Research Associate 2016. Seascape Characterisation: Foundations for a Multidisciplinary Approach. Funded by Carnegie Trust
The work of MACE is supported by interns who undertake six to ten week supervised projects part time, in support of a wider research project, thereby gaining research skills and understanding and contributing to real world coastal and marine environmental challenges.
Mia Hall, BSc (Hons) Geography 2024. Integrated Geography: data, field reconnaissance and methods to understand social and physical processes at East Sands, St Andrew
Julia Stewart, MA (Hons) Geography, 2024. Beach Teach: creating an integrated school geography resource for East Sands, St Andrews.
Varun Bhattacharyya BSc (Hons) Economics and Sustainable Development. 2023. Social acceptance of nature-based solutions.
Mary Dugan, BSc (Hons) Geography and Sustainable Development 2022. Resilient Coasts: responding to sea level rise and flood risk with nature based solutions.
Becca Salenjus BSc (Hons) Biology and Sustainable Development 2022. Marine Protected Areas: virtual seascapes and underwater video.
Alejandra Piazolla Ramirez, MSc Sustainable Development 2021. Marine Protected Areas and Carbon Credits for Conservation.
Rebecca Foster, MSc Sustainable Development 2021. Marine Protected Areas and Eco-certification for marine sectors.
Felicity Spoors, MSc Marine Ecosystem Management 2020. Marine Protected Areas. Long-term trends in protected species and habitats.
Louise Harker, MSc Conservation Studies 2020. Marine Protected Areas, Wellbeing and Alternative Livelihoods.
Benjamin Kao, BSc Sustainable Development 2020. Marine Protected Areas and Climate Impacts.
Annabel Personeni, BSc Sustainable Development 2019. Marine Spatial Planning: discourse analysis and systems approaches.
Tessa Bonincontro, MSc Sustainable Development 2019. Climate adaptation: social acceptance and managed realignment schemes.
Connie Dawson, BSc Sustainable Development 2018. Developing a Coastal Governance Baseline Assessment for the Forth and Tay Marine Region.
Armelle Duvieusart, BSc Sustainable Development 2016. Regional Marine Planning in Scotland: designing the process.
Ashleigh Warnock, BSc Geography 2016. Cultural Ecosystem Services (Recreation) in Mudflats and Saltmarshes.
Cat Young, MA Geography 2016. Charting the development of EU and Scottish Marine Policy.